Sunday, July 16, 2006

When I was truly angry

However anger does not mitigate the truisms in any way.

1. A girl might be interested in you, she will visit your orkut profile 4 days in a row, you can catch her looking at you n times if you two happen to live on the same campus but the image of mother Mary, all modesty and virgintiy, will never make a move. All right., you, being the guy- the initiator of the species, go upto her and say Hello or write a scrap. Now the lady would play all cool, cool and confident in the knowledge that the game has been poached.

2. Ok, now you are on talking terms with a girl. Good, excellent. No, far from it. You are a suspect for being a serial molester and rapist. So what if you have good credentials, an egineering degree from one of the best colleges in the country, are studying in the best b school in the country. All that is very good, but so what, you criminal. And then the same girls get conned by the most stupid of con artists and get filmed on MMS videos, half naked and sucking some dirty dick.

3. Still you trudge on, valiant idiot that you are. She gives you hints that she would want to meet you; never actually saying anything mind you. Was Mother Mary dumb? I do not know but her present day incarnations sure are, in more ways than one. At least when they should be saying something sensible. Otherwise everyone of them claims to be chatterbox and then subsequently go on to prove he claim. So what do you ? You ask her out, right. And will she agree on the first occasion? A fat chance she will. She will give you excuses that will make your neighbours blood boil. It is so humiliating to be considered gullible enough to fall for such sorry excuses for an excuse.Only if you entreat and cajole in ever innovative ways, around a thousand times approximately, is there any chance of her agreeing.

4. So, you meet, one, twice, thrice. You tend to believe in all the romantic movies you have watched and the romantic novels you have read and treat her accordingly. Caring and gentle and considerate. In return you will be treated like bovine excreta. There you go.

5. Two things. The only thing that Manmohan Singh couldn't liberalize is the mindset of Indian girl. No, not quite, I rather think that its a liberization exercise gone heavily wrong. So our girls have started dressing radically and want to romance. But they want to romance with a perfect hedge to guard against any downside. But like any other hedge, the upside goes with the downside or you pay upfront for the option to get the upside. So all the sponatniety, charm and romance goes out of the window and two young adults are left with trying to salvage what is essentially a 'nipped in the bud' relationship. Second, women want men to be caring and considerate. I think by caring and consideration, women mean the behaviour they exhibit when they see a cute puppy. At least, thats what I have felt womanly care and consideration to be. They have no conception of what true consideration is, of guaging the other person's thoughts and feelings and being careful not to trod upon them with fish toe heeled shoes. But, then again, dogs and puppies don't think. They are happy with women and women are happy with them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol .. That was hilarious .. And am a girl, mind u :)